All employees who work at least 17.5 hours per week are eligible for benefits through the group-sponsored plans offered through the Archdiocesan Human Resource Office. Employees MUST enroll in the plans of their choice during the first week of employment. Please note the following:
Plan coverage becomes effective the first of the month after thirty (30) days.
Mary Martin begins work on August 1, and her coverage begins on September 1.
Mary Lincoln begins work on August 2, and her coverage begins on October 1.
Employees may add/drop dependents (spouse and/or children):
During the initial enrollment
During the annual open enrollment
After a qualifying event:
Spouse's insurance ceases to cover spouse
Employees who have worked for us for five (5) years and are age 55 may retire and remain on our plans. The employee must stay on a regular plan until age 65 and then must elect the Senior Plan. EMPLOYEE PAYS THE PREMIUM.
Upon retirement at age 65 AND with Medicare A and B, an employee may elect to remain on the Archdiocesan plan but must elect the retirement plan. EMPLOYEE PAYS THE PREMIUM.
All employees must have a copy of the "New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage." Visit
2022-2023 Premium Information Sheet
Group enrollment/Change application
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Individual |
Family |
$929.07/mo |
$2519.90/mo |
Custom BlueNet Plan $500 ($1,500/family) Deductible plus 20% coinsurance until you hit the out-of-pocket limit for hospitalization of $2,000/$6000 Prescription Drugs $10/$35/$75/15% ($125)
Delta Dental of New Mexico – Premier Plan
Annual deductible of $25
Annual maximum $2000
May select PPO dentist from provider list (no paperwork to submit after dental work)
May select your dentist (you must complete the paperwork after the dental work)
Two free cleanings per year
Free diagnostic (x-rays)
Vision Service Plan - Optional benefit paid totally by the employee
Life and Accidental Life insurance is worth 1.5 times the annual salary, with a maximum of $50,000. The cost is $0.145 per thousand dollars of coverage. Dependent coverage is available for $1.01 per month. Dependent Life values are $5,000 for spouse and $2,000 per child up to age 26. (Employee must work at least 30 hours per week.) Click here for the enrollment form.
Upon resignation/termination, an employee may elect Continuation of Coverage that applies to medical, dental, and vision benefits. The employer and employee must notify Human Resources as soon as the date of resignation/termination is known. Continuation of Coverage allows employees to continue coverage for 18 months.
Employee pays the full premium, receives a monthly statement, and coverage terminates immediately if one (1) monthly premium is missed.
There are two 403(b) tax-deferred plans available through the Archdiocese. Agents will gladly come to your location to make presentations to the staff. Please contact Human Resources to schedule a presentation.
The parish makes employer contributions (which are added to the employee contribution) based on years of service. The following percentages are an example of possible contributions:
90 days - 3 years 25% above the employee contribution
4 years - 5 years 35% above the employee contribution
5 years - 9 years 50% above the employee contribution
10+ years 75% above the employee contribution
These percentages are up to 10% of the 20% or the current maximum of the allowable employee contribution. Priests and religious are not eligible to participate in these plans.
Recently, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 was reviewed with regard to those clauses that pertain to exempt (salaried) and non-exempt (hourly) employees. In brief:
are not "on the clock" but maintain regular office hours set by the employer
do not receive overtime
are responsible to complete the work no matter how long it takes
receive compensatory time for time worked over 40 hours
work on strict time, i.e., 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. w/ lunch 12-1 p.m.
receive overtime pay if overtime has prior approval by the supervisor
do not receive compensatory time
Currently, Congress is considering an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act which would allow non-exempt employees to accept compensatory time in lieu of overtime to facilitate current life needs.
Exempt employees, as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), fit into three classifications: a) executive, b) administrators, c) professionals.
The nature of work performed by exempt employees demands that "the job gets done no matter how long it takes."
This is time away from work granted to exempt employees who have worked over forty (40) hours in any one week and not to exceed 15 hours per pay period.
Compensatory time must be used within four (4) weeks or two (2) pay periods of occurrence. Use it or lose it.
Exempt employees do not receive payment for overtime.
This information is provided so that you may make informed decisions when choosing coverage for yourself and/or your family. Please feel free to call Marcy Gonzales at 505.831.8118 if you have any questions or need additional information. If you are opting for family coverage, please see your payroll person to discuss subsequent payroll deductions.