4000 Saint Joseph's Pl. NW
Albuquerque, NM
“At this moment of grace we recognize the Hispanic community among us as a blessing from God. We call upon all persons of good faith to share our vision of the special gifts which Hispanics bring to the Body of Christ.”
It is the responsibility of the Office of Hispanic Ministry to promote this vision to minister to the Hispanics, especially to the newly arrived, whose peculiar history, culture, traditions and spirituality challenges the Church to minister them in their own language, which is the means of expression of the culture and of their faith.
The office’s mission is accomplished in the following ways:
Promoting an attitude of welcoming to all Hispanics in our Church, especially the newly arrived.
Fostering opportunities of integration between Hispanic Immigrants and the rest of the parish community.
Assisting Hispanic Immigrants in their efforts to make a good living in the US.