Addendum - Additional Ideas for Action Planning
Recognize that as human beings we will suffer pain, and at our core is an emptiness that can only be filled by God and our loved ones, and not by drugs, alcohol, food, sex or any other material thing.
Volunteer in your parish or local community to help others; do what you know; offer your skills.
Take care of your own neighborhood; know your neighbors; get involved in your neighborhood organization.
Make family a priority - give spouses and children time. If there is a family problem, seek help.
Let children know they are loved and cared for and safe. Give children clear boundaries and expect them to share in responsibilities of home and community.
Teach children coping skills and how to deal with suffering and the pain of human life.
Call 1-800-729-6686 for free U.S. Government Alcohol and Drug prevention education information. Individuals and\or groups can call. There is no charge for materials or postage.
Provide parish opportunities for fasting, prayer and reconciliation services for healing from addictions.
Develop leadership among recovering addicts and make use of their skills for ministering to others.
Offer opportunities for caring adults to mentor young people.
Organize support groups and peer-to-peer ministry for young people.
Provide support and education for families through support groups, peer support among families, family strengthening and enrichment opportunities, parenting classes.
Recognize struggles of single parent families and grandparents raising children and provide support.
Offer education for pastors and preachers in the area of drug abuse and addiction through the Office of Pastoral Outreach and Catholic Charities.
Persist in supporting ministry to, with, by, and for youth, through youth activities, youth minister training and youth leadership development offered through the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Provide parishes with homily helps, liturgical aids, intercessions, and bulletin announcements about substance abuse and prevention, as well as education and information for preachers, through the Office of Worship.