4000 Saint Joseph's Pl. NW
Albuquerque, NM
iTHIRST Presentation
On Saturday, October 5, 2024 Keaton Douglas the Executive Director of the iTHIRST Initiative came to Albuquerque and spoke to the iTHIRST Spiritual Companions and those who were interested in learning more about the iTHIRST Ministry.
Pastoral Outreach Office and Archbishop Wester went to the Penitentiary of New Mexico for Good Friday 2024 for Stations of the Cross.
iThirst Ministry
Befriender Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry
Blessings of Age Ministry
People living with disabilities Ministry
Deaf Ministry
We are a liaison to:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Detention Ministry:
Assisting detention ministry volunteers with coordination of on-site and off site ministry to incarcerated men, women and youth and their families. We assist volunteers with training and clearance for entrance to all facilities. Visits may include distribution of Eucharist, pastoral visits, biblical reflection, prayer, catechetical and sacramental preparation. Anyone interested in becoming involved in Detention Ministry may call the Pastoral Outreach Office at 505.831.8174.
Thesholds is an ecumenical program designed to assist returning citizens (inmates recently released) transitioning back into society. Volunteers (mentors) are trained by our staff to work together on teams assisting ex-offenders through the Thresholds Adult Mentoring Program. Our goal is to help with the decline of recidivism rates within our state while also providing these individuals with dignity and care, allowing for a smooth transition back to their families.
Thresholds Prayer Group
Join us every Wednesday at 7:30PM via Zoom, as we pray the rosary. We dedicate the rosary to those in prison, their family members, and victims/survivors. To join by Zoom, click here. Please share the link with Mentees, Alumni, and anyone you feel will be interested.
Mission Statement:
Believing in the sanctity and dignity of the person and in the caring presence of God in the community, the Office of Pastoral Outreach Ministries, in cooperation with other archdiocesan offices, oversees, coordinates and enables ministry to/with persons living with disabilities.
Major Functions:
Annual Retreat:
Once a year a weekend retreat for the developmentally disabled is sponsored by the Office of Pastoral Outreach Ministries. Volunteers from the community assist the retreatants according to need. The retreat provides spiritual, social and interactive opportunities. Volunteers are always welcome and we are open to invitations to provide similar retreats in other parts of the archdiocese.
Catechesis for Persons With Disabilities:
A task force has been formed, in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Religious Education Office. The goal of the task force is to raise awareness and support catechists and families who provide religious education for persons with disabilities.
When possible and fruitful, persons with disabilities are to be integrated into religious education programs in the parish. The catechist may be assisted by an aide or an interpreter for the deaf in order to provide individual help to children with disabilities in the classroom. When this is not feasible, individual catechesis of persons with disabilities can be scheduled when the regular religious education programs are held. It is important to include children with disabilities into the worship and social activities of the religious education programs whenever possible.
National Catholic Office of Persons With Disabilities
Deaf Ministry:
A ministry to/with deaf individuals and their families. We work directly with the deaf communities, assisting with coordination of retreats, workshops, sacramental preparation, catechesis formation and training signers of the Mass.
When there is a need for someone to interpret Mass, religious instruction, or other activities in Sign Language for the deaf and hard of hearing, you may wish to contact the Pastoral Outreach Office at 505.831.8174.
Sunday Mass Schedule - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Albuquerque
Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 pm English (1st Saturday of Month ASL Deaf Interpreted) Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 am English (ASL Deaf Interpreted) and 10:45 am Español (ASL Deaf Interpreted)
Befriender Ministry:
Training to help provide a listening presence to volunteers assisting in all types of ministry work. We help provide leadership and listening skills in support of all ministers of pastoral care.
Blessing of Age Ministry:
A ministry that works with elder individuals throughout the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, helping to create active participants in contributing to the church's life and mission. We strive to meet the spiritual needs of our senior members, helping and assisting with planning retreats, workshops, and spiritual guidance for seniors and their families.
iThirst Ministry:
A ministry of Spiritual Companionship. Training and empowering our church to be a resource for those suffering from addictions and their families as a healing initiative.
The opioid epidemic calls for a Catholic response Presently there is no unified Catholic response to opioid addiction at a national level, but some communities are doing the work on the ground. uscatholic.org |
Nursing Home Ministry:
A ministry helping to provide on-site pastoral visits to nursing care facilities within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This may include extraordinary Eucharistic ministry, communion services, biblical reflection and assistance with sacramental needs and pastoral care as needed.
St. Vincent de Paul Society:
The Office of Pastoral Outreach serves as the liaison between the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Volunteers work with the poor and those living in the peripheries within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, helping to provide assistance as needed, such as food drives, emergency utilities assistance, clothing, and spiritual needs.