The Office of Pastoral Planning and Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Santa Fewas established as the Pastoral Planning office in September 2002 by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan. From 2002 to June 2006, our office was primarily responsible for coordinating the re-visioning of the pastoral plan for the whole Archdiocese. In July of 2006, with the Pastoral Plan completed, oue office was renamed Pastoral Planning and Evangelization, to reflect the additional duties in evangelization for the Archdiocese.
The Office of Pastoral Planning and Evangelization exists:
“Evangelization is the proclamation, in word and deed, of the Christ of the Gospel to persons in all circumstances for the sake of the new life of Faith-beginning with Baptism and lived in Communion with the Church”
(Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Priority on Evangelization)