We are proud to announce our e-newsletter: People of God light.
We will have articles from our shepherd, Most Reverend John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe; our Vicar General, Very Reverend Glenn Jones; happenings throughout our archdiocese and parishes; goings-on in our various ministries; and national and international news items.
Archbishop Wester says,
“We Catholics are People of God and People of the Word, that 'Word' being Jesus Christ! He is the Word spoken by the Father that gives light and life in the Holy Spirit. It is no wonder, then, that we are called to communicate with God and each other as much as possible, allowing God’s grace to work in that interchange. With this in mind, I am thrilled that People of God light is making its debut. What a great way for us to communicate the many ways in which God is working in our local Church, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. I hope that our Catholic faithful find this new resource to be a help to better communication with God and each other. People of God light is sure to bring the Light of Christ to us in new and exciting ways. Thanks be to God!”
We are constantly looking for ways to improve and bring you the news and information you want, so feel free to give us feedback on what you like, would like to see, or topics you prefer not to see. We can't please everyone, but we will always do our best.
Please take a moment to share with your families and friends so we can all share in the Good News together.
Remember, you can also get the latest news and updates on our website (archdiosf.org) and social media channels (Facebook Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official | Instagram @asfofficial | Twitter @asfofficial).
God bless, and peace be with you.
Leslie M. Radigan
Director, Office of Communications & Social Media