25.01.27 NEWS RELEASE: Sanctity of Life & Unity Awareness Mass January 28, 2025 at Noon at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Santa Fe More>
25.01.21 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on Immigration More> En Español>
25.01.02 MEDIA ADVISORY: “The Fastest Nun in the West,” Sister Blandina Segale Servant of God, Patron of Immigrant Children, Closer to Canonization On Friday, Jan. 3, 2025, learn about the progress of the canonization and beatification of the Servant of God Sister Blandina Segale (“The Fastest Nun in the West”). Servant of God passes significant steps toward her cause with the approval of the Vatican Historians.
WHO: Archbishop John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, Allen Sánchez, Petitioner of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Blandina Segale SC, and President of CommonSpirit St. Joseph’s Children
WHAT: Update on Sister Blandina Segale’s Journey to Sainthood
WHEN: Friday, January 3, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: CommonSpirit St. Joseph’s Children, 1516 5th St. NW,
Albuquerque, NM 87102
24.11.08 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on Election Results More>
24.10.14 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Hibakusha Hihon Hidankyo More>
24.09.03 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe to Dedicate Plaque in Remembrance of Clergy Sexual Abuse Victims More> En Español>
24.08.13 NEWS RELEASE: IACS and UNM to Host Groundbreaking Forum on Nuclear Weapons More>
24.08.09 Archbishop Wester's Remarks at the Peace Park, Nagasaki, Japan More>
24.08.06 Peace Memorial Mass Homily on Nuclear Abolition, World Peace Memorial Cathedral of Hiroshima, Japan More>
24.08.06 Keynote Speech, Hiroshima, Japan More>
24.08.03 NEWS RELEASE: Partnership for a World Without Nuclear Weapons: Archbishop John C. Wester to Honor the 79th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki More>
24.07.29 STATEMENT: New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Addresses Public Safety Issues More>
24.07.27 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester Supports French Bishops' Statement on the Olympics' Opning Ceremony More>
24.07.22 STATEMENT for the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Town Hall More>
24.07.15 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the Assassination Attempt of Donald J. Trump More>
24.07.09 NEWS RELEASE: THIS WEEKEND Local Faith Groups To Host an Interfaith Vigil Marking the Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Detonation - Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition More>
24.06.12 NEWS RELEASE: Local Faith Groups To Host an Interfaith Vigil Marking the Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Detonation - Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition More>
24.06.03 NEWS RELEASE: Bishops Express Gratitude to the USCCB Urging Congress to Pass the
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act More>
24.06.03 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Opposes Amendment R-24-45 More>
24.05.24 NEWS RELEASE: Death of Former Pastor, Daniel Balizan More>
24.05.15 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester To Ordain Three Seminarians to the Priesthood More> Click here for the worship aid, and click here to livestream the May 18 ordination. Click here to livestream the June 1 ordination.
24.05.14 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop Wester To Ordain One Seminarian to the Transitional Diaconate More> Worship Aid> Livestream>
24.03.31 An Easter Message from Most Reverend John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe More>
24.03.21 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement in Support of the Annunciation House, El Paso, TX More> En Español>
24.03.18 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement in Support of the RadiationExposure Compensation Act More>
24.03.01 Archbishop John C. Wester's Lenten Reflection More>
24.02.13 NMCCB: Tribal Education Trust Fund
Catholic Bishops of New Mexico Urge the Passage of HB134 to Establish a New Tribal Trust Fund More>
24.01.30 MEDIA ALERT: Catholic Schools Week Celebration and Mass at Our Lady of the Annunciation More>
24.01.23 NEWS RELEASE: Stakeholders Convene a Dialogue on Gun Violence and the Impact on Children More>
24.01.22. STATEMENT: Statement in Support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons On Its Third Anniversary More>
24.01.17 STATEMENT: San Diego Cardinal and New Mexico Archbishop Call for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza More>
23.12.15 NEWS RELEASE: CHI St. Joseph’s Children’s Board of Directors Engages with Pope Francis in Inspirational Meeting More>
23.12.14 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester Calls for an End to Antisemitism and Peace in the Holy Land More>
23.12.13 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain One Seminarian to the Transitional Diaconate More>
Click here for the worship aid, click here to livestream.
23.12.11 STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF TRINITY TEST DOWNWINDERS: Congress Expands Nuclear Weapons Production But Denies Justice for Historically Impacted New Mexicans More>
23.11.30 A Message from Archbishop John C. Wester: "It is with profound gratitude that my family and I thank you, my brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, for your prayers and support as we mourn the loss of our dear mother, Helen. While we are grateful to God for calling Mom to himself in the fullness of His Kingdom, we are deeply saddened by her loss. Her faith, love, and concern remain a great consolation for us as do your good prayers. May the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of all life, bless each of you abundantly. Again, my deepest thanks."
23.11.29 HOMILY: The Third Way Toward Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Church of Our Savior, New York City More>
23.11.28 NEWS RELEASE: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School to Close Its Doors May 2024: Families Encouraged to Preserve Fatima’s Last Chapter and Complete the Legacy More>
23.11.27 STATEMENT: Statement in Support of the Second Meeting of State Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons More>
23.11.21 NEWS RELEASE: Mrs. Helen Wester, Mother of Archbishop John C. Wester, Passes Away at 96 More>
23.11.01 LETTER from Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe: St. Pius X High School To Serve Grades 6-12 Beginning Fall 2024 More>
23.10.26 STATEMENT: Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, Calls for Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in the Middle East on Oct. 27 More>
23.10.13 STATEMENT: Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, Calls for Prayers and Peace Amidst Escalating Conflict in the Middle East More>
23.10.03 STATEMENT: Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, and Regis Pecos, Former Governor of Cochiti Pueblo, Condemn Violence and Promote Dialogue in the Wake of Recent Events in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico More>
23.09.07 NEWS RELEASE Archbishop John C. Wester To Celebrate the 14th Annual Blue Mass for First Responders More>
23.09.07 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on the Passing of Gov. Bill Richardson More>
23.08.20 Archbishop Wester's Letter to the Faithful for Consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart More> En Español>
Act of Consecration En Español>
Message from Most Reverend John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe
Mensaje del Reverendisimo John C. Wester, Arzobispo de Santa Fe
23.08.18 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Celebrate the Mass of the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders More> Worship Aid>
23.08.09 Partnership for a World Without Nuclear Weapons - From the Archbishops of Santa Fe, Seattle, Nagasaki, and Bishop of Hiroshima More>
23.08.05 Archbishop John C. Wesster's Lecture at the World Peace Memorial Cathedral of Hiroshima More> Watch here.
23.07.18 NEWS RELEASE: Archdioceses of Santa Fe and Seattle Announce Pilgrimage of Peace to Japan More>
23.06.29 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Addresses Arrest of Daniel Balizan More>
23.06.26 NEWS RELEASE: Local Faith Groups To Host an Interfaith Vigil Marking the July 16 Anniversary of the Trinity Nuclear Test | Impacted Communities and Religious Leaders Call for Nuclear Abolition More>
23.06.05 NEWS RELEASE: REVISED Funeral Services for Most Reverend Michael Jarboe Sheehan, Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Fe More> En Español>
June 8 Vigil Services live-stream link and worship aid
June 9 Mass of Christian Burial live-stream link and worship aid
23.06.03 NEWS RELEASE: Most Reverend Michael Jarboe Sheehan, Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Fe, Remembered for His Life of Service and Faith More> En Español>
23.06.02 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain 36 Men to the Permanent Diaconate More>
23.05.27 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain One Seminarian to the Priesthood More>
23.05.19 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Two Seminarians to the Transitional Diaconate More>
23.05.17 NEWS RELEASE: Most Reverend John C. Wester and Most Reverend Paul D. Etienne Join Bishops of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Urging the International Group of Seven To Take Steps Toward Nuclear Disarmament More>
Reverendísimo John C. Wester y Reverendísimo Paul D. Etienne se unen a los Obispos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki para Instar al Grupo Internacional de los Siete a dar pasos hacia el desarme nuclear En Español>
23.03.29 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester To Celebrate Chrism Mass - All Are Welcome More>
23.03.16 Archbishop John C. Wester's Open Letter to the Sexual Abuse Claimants of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe More>
A los demandantes de abuso sexual dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe En Español>
23.02.22 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester Regarding the Dispensation from the Friday Abstinence from Meat March 17, 2023 More> En Español>
23.02.07 New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Opposes HB7 More>
22.12.29 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the Agreement Reached in
Archdiocese of Santa Fe Chapter 11 Proceedings More>
22.11.22 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the UNM/NMSU and Club Q Nightclub Shootings More>
Reverendísimo John C. Wester sobre los reciente tiroteos en UNM / NMSU y en el club nocturno Q En Español>
22.11.09 ALERT: Local Kidnapping Ransom Scam More>
ALERTA: Estafa local de secuestro y pago por rescate En Español>
22.11.08 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the Passing of New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 1 To Fund Early Childhood Programs More>
DECLARACIÓN: Reverendísimo John C. Wester sobre la aprobación de la Enmienda Constitucional 1 de Nuevo México para financiar programas para la primera infancia En Español>
22.11.011 STATEMENT: The Nation's Report Card Shows Catholic Schools Excelling Post-pandemic More>
DECLARACIÓN: La Libreta de Calificaciones de la Nación muestra que las Escuelas Católicas han sobresalido tras la pandemia En Español>
22.10.17 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the 60th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis: Eliminate the Nuclear Danger by Eliminating Nuclear Weapons More>
DECLARACIÓN: Reverendísimo John C. Wester en el 60 aniversario de la crisis de los misiles cubanos: Eliminar el peligro nuclear mediante la eliminación de las armas nucleares En Español>
22.10.04 STATEMENT: Feast Day of St. Francis: Pray for Peace in Ukraine and the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons More>
22.10.04 DECLARACIÓN: Fiesta de San Francisco: Oremos por la paz en Ucrania y la abolición de las armas nucleares En Español>
22.09.27 Archbishop John C. Wester Celebrates 13th Annual Blue Mass Honoring All First Responders More>
22.08.22 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Reinstates Sunday Mass Obligation More> En Español> Carta en Español>
22.08.07 STATEMENT: The Catholic Community Stands in Support of Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters More>
22.08.03 NEWS RELEASE: 77th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan Mass and Interfaith Discussion, Tuesday, August 9, 2022
5:15 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Followed by Panel Discussion with Interfaith Leaders at 6:15 p.m. More>
22.07.01 SAVE THE DATE: 77th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan | Mass and Interfaith Discussion Tuesday, August 9, 2022 More> En Español>
22.06.24 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester’s Statement Re: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision by the Supreme Court of the United States More> En Español>
22.06.20 STATEMENT: Archbishop Wester’s Statement in Support of the First Meeting of State Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons More>
22.05.27 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain One Seminarian to the Transitional Diaconate and Four Seminarians to the Priesthood More> En Español>
22.05.17 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Enters Into Agreement of Terms Regarding Chapter 11 Reorganization Case More> En Español>
22.05.04 A Letter from Archbishop Wester to the People of God for New Mexico Fire Relief and Support More>
Carta al Pueblo de Dios sobre el alivio y apoyo por los incendios en Nuevo México En Español>
22.05.02 NEWS RELEASE: $500,000 in Income-Based Scholarships Available for Elementary and High School Students - Application Deadline: May 31, 2022 More>
22.04.14 An Easter Message from Archbishop John C. Wester More> En Español>
22.04.05 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Announces New Assignment at the
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and Cristo Rey More>
22.04.05 COMUNICADO DE PRENSA: Reverendísimo Mons. John C. Wester, arzobispo de Santa Fe, da a conocer nueva asignación en la Catedral Basílica de San Francisco de Asís y la parroquia de Cristo Rey En Español>
22.03.22 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on War in Ukraine - Nuclear Weapons Must Be Eliminated, Not Reinforced More>
22.03.22 DECLARACIÓN: Reverendisimo John C. Wester Sobre la Guerra en Ucrania - Las armas nucleares deben ser eliminadas, no fortalecidas En Español>
22.02.18 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Announces Revised Protocols for COVID-19 Pandemic
Effective February 18, 2022 More>
Protocolos Revisados sobre la Pandemia de COVID-19 Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe 18 de febrero de 2022 En Español>
22.01.10 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Hold Virtual Press Conference on His Pastoral Letter “Living in the Light of Christ’s Peace: A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament” More>
21.12.30 Superintendent of Catholic Schools Notice More>
21.12.16 Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Rev. Mr. Franklin Iwuagwu to the Priesthood More>
21.12.13 Archbishop John C. Wester will hold an “Unveiling and Blessing of a Sign of Peace” Sunday, December 19 at 1:00 p.m. at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe More>
Statement Concerning the Supposed and Widely-publicized “Ordination” of Ms. Anne Tropeano:
"As Pope Saint Paul VI explained, because Jesus freely chose only men for apostles, ‘…in fidelity to the example of the Lord, [the Church] does not consider herself authorized to admit women to priestly ordination.’ Thus, the Roman Catholic Church does not see attempted ordination of women as valid and, indeed, is an excommunicable action. More info can be found in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of Pope Saint John Paul II." Very Reverend Glennon Jones, Vicar General, Vicar for Clergy, Vicar for Religious
210916 Archdiocese of Santa Fe Reaffirms Partnership with Law Enforcement More>
210910 Chronology of Events Concerning Incident at Santo Niño Regional Catholic School in Santa Fe, New Mexico More>
210908 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Joins National Effort to Overcome Polarization and Division More> En Español>
210904 ARCHBISHOP'S LETTER: USCCB Seeks Volunteers for Support of Afghan Refugees at Holloman Air Force Base More>
210826 STATEMENT: New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Stand Against the Atrocious, Anti-Semitic Violence Leveled at Our Jewish Brothers and Sisters More>
210810 NEWS RELEASE: The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Announces First Round of Online Land Auctions in New Mexico More>
210525 NEWS RELEASE: Most Reverend John C. Wester, Right Reverend Joel P. Garner, O. Praem., Reverend Andrew J. Pavlak, Priests of Santa Maria de la Vid Community to Celebrate Funeral Mass for Reverend Graham Golden, O. Praem. More>
210523 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester Offers Deepest Sympathy & Prayers to the Norbertine Community and Family of Reverend Graham Golden, O.Praem. More> En Español>
210519 News Release: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Five Seminarians to the Transitional Diaconate and
One Seminarian to the Priesthood More> En Español>
210423 News Release: Archbishop John C. Wester Announces Directives for the Public Celebration of the Eucharist Beginning April 24-25, 2021 More> En Español>
210421 Archbishop John C. Wester on the Verdict in the Trial of Derek Chauvin More>
210315 NEWS RELEASE: All Pilgrimages & Special Processions Canceled Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic More>
210315 Peregrinacios y procesiones canceladas debido a la pandemia de COVD-19 En Español>
210312 Archbishop John C. Wester requests prayers for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe during bankruptcy: "...our archdiocese has been engaged in the Chapter 11 Reorganization process for some time now. This arduous undertaking is beginning to pick up the pace as both sides seek to bring healing to the victims and all those impacted by the scourge of clergy sexual abuse. With a heightened sense of urgency, and a renewed commitment to bring Christ’s healing to our local Church, I write to ask for your prayers that our efforts will be successful. In particular, I ask each parish and Catholic institution to come together in prayer for this intention by seeking the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph and Servant of God Sister Blandina Segale, SC." More>
Resources and suggestions to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph; prayers/general intercessions to St. Joseph, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Sr. Blandina; selected spiritual readings; devotions.
210312 Arzobispo John C. Wester: "...nuestra arquidiócesis se encuentra desde hace algún tiempo involucrada en un proceso de reorganización del Capítulo 11 de las leyes de bancarrota. Esta ardua operación está comenzando a acelerar el ritmo, ya que ambas partes tratan de sanar a las víctimas y a todos los afectados por el flagelo del abuso sexual por parte del clero. Con un elevado sentido de urgencia, y un renovado compromiso de traer la sanación de Cristo a nuestra Iglesia local, les escribo suplicándoles sus oraciones para que nuestros esfuerzos tengan éxito. Particularmente, pido a cada parroquia e institución católica que se unan en oración por esta intención buscando la intercesión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, de San José y de la Sierva de Dios, Sor Blandina Segale, SC." En Español>
210303 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on the Ethics of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine More>
210303 Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre la ética de la vacuna contra COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson En Español>
210303 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on the Current New Mexico Legislation Regarding Abortion and Assisted Suicide More>
210303 Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre la legislación actual de Nuevo México sobre el aborto y el suicidio asistido En Español>
210212 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on the Sanctity of Human Life and Recent Developments in the New Mexico Legislature More>
210212 El Señor Arzobispo John C. Wester emite declaración sobre la santidad de la vida de todo ser humano y los recientes acontecimientos en la Legislatura de Nuevo México En Español>
210205 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Tragic Death of New Mexico State Police Officer Darian Jarrott More>
210128 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement On Our Call to Speak for the Voiceless More>
210128 Declaración del Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre nuestro llamado a hablar por quienes no tienen voz En Español>
210122 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the 46th President of the United States of America More>
210122 Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre la toma de posesión de Joseph R. Biden, Jr. como el 46º Presidente de Estados Unidos de América En Español>
210113 NMCCB NEWS RELEASE: Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day, Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Live-streamed from the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Gallup, New Mexico More>
201216 Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Reverend Mister Anthony Obinna Ezeaputa to the Priesthood More>
201216 Arzobispo John C. Wester anuncia Ordenación Sacerdotal del Reverendo Señor Anthony Obinna Ezeaputa En Español>
201214 Archbishop John C. Wester provides the Statement on Moral Concerns about the Creation of a Vaccine for COVID-19 from Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and of Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend and USCCB Chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, addressing moral concerns about the creation of a vaccine for COVID-19 for all in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. For more information, please contact the Office of Social Justice and Respect Life 505.831.8167. More>
201214 El Arzobispo John C. Wester da a conocer la declaración emitida por el Obispo Kevin C. Rhoades, de Fort Wayne-South Bend, presidente del Comité de Doctrina de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) y el Arzobispo Joseph F. Naumann, de Kansas City en Kansas, presidente del Comité de Actividades Pro-Vida, refiriéndose a las preocupaciones morales derivadas de la elaboración de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para para todos en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. Para obtener más información, favor de comunicarse con la Oficina de Justicia Social y Respeto a la Vida 505.831.8167. En Español>
Obispos Presidentes de los Comités de Actividades Pro-Vida y Doctrina abordan las preocupaciones éticas relacionadas a las vacunas contra el COVID-19
201210 Archbishop John C. Wester wishes to communicate the following documents from Carlos Cardinal Aguiar Retes, Archbishop of Mexico, Primate of Mexico, regarding the Holy Father granting a Plenary Indulgence to anyone who celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe at home and following other conditions stated in this letter--->. Click here.
201210 El Arzobispo John C. Wester desea comunicar los siguientes documentos del Cardenal Carlos Aguiar Retes, Arzobispo de México, Primado de México, sobre la concesión otorgada por el Santo Padre de una Indulgencia Plenaria a todo aquel que celebre a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en su casa y siguiendo otras condiciones establecidas en esta carta--->. Haga clic aquí.
201208 Archbishop John C. Wester's Pastoral Letter on Plenary Indulgences During COVID-19 and General Absolution More>
201208 Carta Pastoral del Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre Indulgencias Plenarias durante COVID-19 y Absolución General En Español>
201208 Promulgation of Decree: Indult Granted Related to the Celebration of Christmas 2020 Masses by Archbishop John C. Wester More>
201208 Promulgación del decreto: Indulto concedido por el Arzobispo John C. Wester en relación a la celebración de las misas de Navidad de 2020. En Español>
201124 Archbishop Wester's Announcement re Reduction in ASF Offices and/or Positions More>
201124 Anuncio del Arzobispo Wester sobre reducciones en oficinas y/o posiciones En Español>
201123 Archbishop Wester's Announcement re People of God & ASF Communications More>
201123 Anuncio del Arzobispo Wester sobre People of God y comunicaciones En Español>
201114 Addendum to Archdiocese of Santa Fe Liturgical Guidelines More>
201114 Adendum a las Guías Litúrgicas En Español>
201112 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement on the Vatican Report on Theodore E. McCarrick More>
201112 El informe del Vaticano sobre Theodore E. McCarrick Por arzobispo John C. Wester En Español>
201109 Friend of the Court to Justice Barrett: Apply Pro-Life Principles to all of the Issues More>
201109 Amigo del tribunal a la Juez Barret: Hay que implementer los principios en favor de la vida a todos los temas En Español>
201109 A Call to Prayer for our Newly Elected Officials By Archbishop John C. Wester More>
201109 Un llamado a la oración por el Arzobispo John C. Wester por nuestros nuevos funcionarios electos En Español>
201103 Archbishop John C. Wester Invites New Mexicans to Pray for a Peaceful Election More>
201103 Arzobispo John C. Wester invita a nuevomexicanos a orar por una elección pacífica En Español>
201029 Archbishop Wester's Response to Concerns Regarding Closure of Church Services More>
201029 Respuestas a preocupaciones expresadas sobre cierres temporales de servicios en las iglesias En Español>
201022 Archbishop John C. Wester Updates Church and School Directives More>
201022 Arzobispo John C. Wester actualiza directivas para iglesias y escuelas católicas por la pandemia de COVID-19 y la temporada de la influenza (gripe) En Español>
201005 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host Livestreamed Town Hall Q&A Meetings with Special Guest, Ms. Susan Murphy, Superintendent, Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Schools More>
201005 El Arzobispo John C. Wester será el anfitrión de la Reunión Comunitaria transmitida en vivo con la invitada especial, la Sra. Susan Murphy, Superintendente de las Escuelas Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe En Español>
200921 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host Livestreamed Town Hall Q&A Meetings Special Guest Mercy Alarid, Ed.D, Senior Partnership Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau More>
200921 El arzobispo John C. Wester anfitrión de las Reuniones Comunitarias con preguntas y respuestas transmitidas en vivo contará con la presencia de una invitada especial: Mercy Alarid, Ed.D, Especialista Superior en Asociaciones de la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos En Español>
200918 Archdiocese Calls Attorney General Barr to Halt Federal Executions, Calls for Withdrawal of Award to Attorney General Barr More>
20.09.08 Pastoral Letter: Our Call to Action - Facing the Serious Challenges of 2020 More>
20.09.08 Carta pastora: Nuestro llamado a la acción - Enfrentando los serios desafíos del año 2020 En Español>
200826 Archbishop Wester Hosts Town Hall on Zoom & FB Live 8/26/2020 More>
200727 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host Series of Live Stream Town Hall Q&A Meetings via Facebook Live Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official More>
200727 Archbishop John C. Wester Thanks Jesuits for 152 Years of Service to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe More>
200727 Arzobispo John C. Wester agradece a los Jesuitas por 152 años de servicio a la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe En Español>
200715 The Archdiocese of Santa Fe is Recipient of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act More>
200715 Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe recibe asistencia bajo la Ley de Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica por Coronavirus (CARES por sus siglas en inglés) En Español>
200709 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host Series of Live Stream Town Hall Q&A Meetings via Facebook Live Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official More>
200709 El Arzobispo John C. Wester será anfitrión de una serie de Reuniones Comunitarias a través de Facebook en vivo en Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official En Español>
200630 NMCCB New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Support The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Stance Calling the Supreme Court’s June Medical Services v. Russo Decision A Continued Cruel Precedent of Prioritizing Abortion Business Interests Over Women’s Health and Safety More>
200629 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host Town Hall, Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. MT on Facebook Live More>
Arzobispo John C. Wester lleva a cabo Reunión Comunitaria vía Facebook en vivo el miércoles 1 de julio, 2020 a las 6:00 p.m. (MST) En Español>
200619 Archbishop John C. Wester on Supreme Court Decision on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and a Call to Action More>
200619 Declaración del Arzobispo John C. Wester sobre la decisión de la Corte Suprema sobre la Acción Diferida para los llegados en la Infancia (DACA) y un llamado a la Acción En Español>
20200615 Archbishop John C. Wester Supports Archbishop Wilton Gregory's Stance Against Use of Sacred Sites for Political Gain More>
200615 Arzobispo John C. Wester apoya la postura del Arzobispo Wilton Gregory contra la utilización de sitios sagrados para fines políticos En Español>
200601 Archbishop John C. Wester Urges the Faithful to Participate in Prayer & Action for Racial Justice More>
200601 Arzobispo John C. Wester insta a los Fieles a Participar en Oración y Acción por la Justicia Racial En Español>
200524 Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Two Seminarians to the Transitional Diaconate and One Seminarian to the Priesthood More>
Arzobispo John C. Wester Ordenará a dos Seminaristas al Diaconado Transitorio y a un Seminarista al Sacerdocio En Español>
200515 Archbishop Wester's Op-Ed: COVID Criss Exposes the Need for a Legalization of the Nation's Immigrants More>
200515 La pandemia muestra que la legalización de los inmigrantes es necesaria En Español>
200514 News Release: Archbishop John C. Wester Announces Directives for the Public Celebration of the Eucharist Beginning May 16-17, 2020 More>
200514 Comunicado de Prensa: Arzobispo Wester anuncia las directivas para la celebración pública de la Eucaristía a partir del 16 y 17 de mayo de 2020 En Español>
200430 News Release: Archbishop Wester Invites the Faithful to Join Him & U.S. Bishops for the Reconsecration to the Care of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, Mother of Our Church More>
200430 Comunicado de Prensa: Arzobispo Wester invita a los fieles a unirse a él y a los obispos de los EE.UU. para la Renovación de la Consagración al cuidado de nuestra Madre, la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de la Iglesia En Español>
200423 ASF Files Lawsuit Against U. S. Small Business Administration More>
200423 La Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe presenta demanda en contra la Administración de Pequeños Negocios de EE. UU. En Español>
200416 News Release: Archbishop John C. Wester Encourages People of Good Will to "Stay the Course" More>
El Arzobispo John C. Wester anima a la gente de buena voluntad a “mantener el rumbo” En Español>
200331 News Release: This Week, HOME Is the Holy Place More>
200331 Comunicado de Prensa: En esta Semana Santa, hagamos de nuestro HOGAR el espacio sagrado En Español>
200325 News Release: Pope Frances to Grant Plenary Indulgence Before Imparting
The Extraordinary Urbi et Orbi Blessing More>
200325 Comunicado de Prensa: Papa Francisco ofrecerá Indulgencia Plenaria antes de impartir bendición extraordinaria Urbi et Orbi En Español>
200324 Letter from Archbishop Wester on Upcoming Paschal Liturgical Guidelines During the Coronavirus Situation
Attention: All liturgies are to be celebrated without physical participation of the faithful. The faithful should be informed of the times of celebration so that they can prayerfully unite themselves in their homes. until further notice. More>
200324 Normas Litúrgicas Próximas durante la situación del Coronavirus
Atención: Las liturgias deben ser celebradas sin la participación física de los fieles.
Los fieles deben ser informados de los tiempos de celebración para que puedan unirse en oración desde sus hogares. En Español>
20.03.23 Letter from Archbishop Wester on Plenary Indulgence During COVID-19 and General Absolution
More> En Español>
20.03.16 New Release: Santuario de Chimayo / Tome Hill Pilgrimages Postponed Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic More>
20.03.16 Comunicado de Prensa: Peregrinaciones al Santuario de Chimayó y al Cerro de Tomé se han pospuesto debido a la Pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19)En Español>
20.03.16 Pastoral Letter: Navigating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic in Faith More>
20.03.16 Carta Pastoral: Navegando en Fe a través de la Pandemia de COVID-19 En Español>
20.03.13 News Release: Letter to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Concerning Restrictions Due to COVID-19 More>
20.03.13 Comunicado de Prensa: Carta de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe sobre restricciones debidas al COVID-19 En Español>
20.03.12 NEWS RELEASE: ASF Epidemiology Procedure Response More>
20.03.12 Comunicado de Prensa: Respuesta arquidiocesana sobre procedimientos epidemiológicos En Español>
2020.03.03 STATEMENT: Liturgical Practices During the 2020 Flu Season and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019) Outbreak More> En Español>
20.02.07 NMCCB STATEMENT: New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Support
Red Flag Gun Bill (SB 5) for Extreme Risk More>
20.01.14 NEWS RELEASE: Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day, Wednesday, January 22, 2020 More>
20.01.09 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Calls Convocation for Lay Ministers More> En Español>
20.01.07 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Issues Directives Regarding Liturgical Practices During the 2020 Influenza Season More> En Español>
19.09.09 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Calls for Healing Among Peoples and Cautions About A Crisis of Compassion More>
19.09.09 PASTORAL LETTER: Hope and Healing Among Peoples More> En Español>
19.08.06 STATEMENT: A Clarion Call to Unite as a Nation Against Domestic Terrorism, Violence and Racism More> En Español>
19.07.01 STATEMENT: Implementation Directives for Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter, You Are the Light of the World (Vos Estis Lux Mundi) More> En Español>
19.06.26 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Celebrate Two Masses for the Victims of the Tragic Bus Accident Claiming Two Lives, Injuring 13 More>
19.06.24 NEWS RELEASE: Second Victim of Yesterday’s Tragic Bus Accident Identified as ASF Seminarian More>
19.06.14 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Requests Prayers for Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse More>
19.05.31 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Two Seminarians to Priesthood More>
19.05.09 NEWS RELEASE: Pope Francis Issues Global Mandatory Reporting Law for Sexual Abuse and Cover-up, Vos estis lux mundi More> En Español> Frequently Asked Questions (USCCB)
19.05.08 NEWS RELEASE: St. Jean Vianney Relic Pilgrimage, May 9, 2019 More>
19.03.13 Mayor Keller, Archbishop Wester, Local Charities Call on Albuquerque to Come Together in Support of Asylum Seekers More>
19.03.08 NEWS RELEASE: Order on Proof of Claim - Bar Date More> En Español>
Sexual Abuse Proof of Claim En Español>
Notice of Deadline for Filing Claims Relating to or Arising from Sexual Abuse
19.02.15 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Joins Border Bishops and Other Prelates in Opposition to Further Construction of a Border Wall More> En Español>
19.02.14 NMCCB PRAYER VIGIL: For the Protection of Life and the Dignity of the Human Being More>
19.02.08 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester Appeals for Greater Understanding More>
19.02.07 NMCCB STATEMENT: NMCCB Supports a Consistent Ethic of Life More>
19.01.31 NMCCB URGENT ACTION ALERT: Oppose New Mexico HB 51, the Decriminalize Abortion Bill, Hearing Friday, February 1, 2019, 1:30 P.M. More>
19.01.27 NMCCB URGENT ACTION ALERT: Oppose New Mexico HB 90, the Assisted Suicide Bill, Hearing Monday, January 28, 2019, 8:30 A.M. More>
New Mexico Coalition Against Assisted Suicide Information Sheet
19.01.23 STATEMENT: Regarding the Paid Advertisement Published in the Albuquerque Journal, January 22, 2019 Entitled “An Open Letter from New Mexico Faith Leaders ‘We Support a Woman’s Decision About Abortion’” More> En Español>
19.01.17 NMCCB STATEMENT: Opposition to New Mexico House Bill 90 More> En Español>
19.01.14 Directives Regarding Liturgical Practices During the 2019 Flu Season More>
18.11.30 Frequently Asked Questions About Reorganization More> En Español>
18.11.29 LETTER: To Faithful on the Reorganization of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
More> En Español>
18.11.29 STATEMENT from Archbishop John C. Wester More> En Español>
18.11.29 MEDIA ADVISORY - PRESS CONFERENCE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Make Important Announcement More>
18.11.28 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe Cooperates with Law Enforcement Investigation Regarding Marvin Archuleta and Sabine Griego More> En Español>
18.11.01 STATEMENT: To The People of The Archdiocese of Santa Fe on the Recent Notification to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Regarding Two Accused Priests: Albert Chavez and Jerome Coyle More>
18.10.30 STATEMENT: We Stand in Solidarity with the Jewish Community More>
18.10.29 NOTICE: New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Object to Use of Bishop's Statements/Letters for Political Advertising More>
18.09.21 STATEMENT: On the Arrest and Indictment of Fr. Arthur J. Perrault More>
18.09.05 STATEMENT: On the State of New Mexico Office of the Attorney General’s Investigation More> En Español>
18.08.31 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement On Support of Victims and Our Call to Follow Christ More> En Español>
18.08.22 Archbishop John C. Wester’s Letter On the Clergy Sexual Abuse Scandal More> En Español>
18.07.31 Archbishop John C. Wester's Statement On the Retirement of the Entrada de Don Diego de Vargas More>
Rev. Franklin D. Pretto-Ferro (retired), board member, Los Caballeros de Vargas; Tomas Baca-Gutierrez, President of Los Caballeros de Vargas; Alicia Ortega, Executive Director, All Pueblo Council of Governors; Regis Pecos, Co-director of the Santa Fe Indian School Leadership Institute; Mayor Allen Weber, City of Santa Fe; Manuel Garcia, board member, Los Caballeros de Vargas; Melissa Mascareñas, President, Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc.; Allen Sánchez, Executive Director, New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops |Photo by Jarel LaPan Hill
18.06.23 View video of Archbishop John C. Wester’s address on 6/23/18 at the United Against Family Separation Event,National Hispanic Cultural Center |Albuquerque, NM | https://youtu.be/TtR5q6dq9_Y
18.06.18 Video Message from Archbishop John C. Wester Expressing Urgency in the Reversal of U. S. Policy Separating Families. "Please, Mr. President, have a heart." More>
18.06.15 NMCCB -Statement: New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops Express Urgency in Reversal of Policy Separating Families More> En Español>
18.06.01 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Ute Wildfire More>
18.05.24 NEWS RELEASE: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Four Seminarians to the Priesthood More>
18.03.21 STATEMENT by Archbishop John C. Wester on the Seal of Confession More>
18.03.06 NMCCB - An Open Letter: Children Come First More>
18.02.22 STATEMENT: Support the Dreamers: Congressional Call-In Campaign. Please participate in the Call-in Day to Congress on Monday, February 26, 2018! More>
18.02.15 STATEMENT: We need Catholic voices to support the Dreamers. Call our New Mexico Senators and Representatives now. Time is running out for them! More> En Español>
18.02.12 ALERT Interfaith Prayer Vigil for the Passage of the HJR1 Early Childhood Constitutional Amendment, Albuquerque More>
18.02.06 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Passage of the HJR1 Early Childhood Constitutional Amendment More>
18.01.16 NEWS RELEASE: Directives Regarding Liturgical Practices During the 2018 Flu Season
18.01.16 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester Congratulates New President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Russell M. Nelson
18.01.08 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on Termination of Temporary Protected Status for El Salvador
18.01.05 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on death of Thomas S. Monson, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
17.10.19 STATEMENT: Public Disclosure of Documents
More En Español
17.09.22 STATEMENT: Archbishop John C. Wester on the Natural Disasters of Summer 2017 ALBUQUERQUE – Friday, September 22, 2017–IMMEDIATE RELEASE—Archbishop John C. Wester has issued the following statement regarding the Natural Disasters of Summer 2017.
More En Español
17.09.12 Letter from Archbishop John C. Wester to Introduce List of Accused Priests, Deacons & Religious More> En Español> (updated 10.10.19)
17.08.29 Statement: Archdiocese of Santa Fe and Catholic Charities of New Mexico to Provide Relief Assistance for Those Impacted by Hurricane Harvey
17.08.29 Statement: Archbishop John C. Wester Expresses Deepest Condolences to the Victims & Family Members of the Clovis-Carver Public Library Shooting.
17.06.17 Statement: Archbishop John C. Wester Expresses Deepest Condolences to La Madera, Tres Piedras and Abiquiu Families for Tragic Losses
More En Español
17.05.23 Tortilla Rally Against Food Tax, Press Conference
17.05.03 New Mexico's Early Childhood Programs Remain Unfunded
17.04.26 San Felipe de Neri Tabernacle with Blessed Eucharist Recovered
17.04.19 Archdiocese of Santa Fe Endorses City of Santa Fe Tax for Early Childhood
17.03.06 NMCCB Statement on the Dignity of Life
More En Español
17.01.11 Sanctity of Life and Unity Day
16.12.19 Archbishop John C. Wester to Hold Press Conference To Reject Reinstatement of Food Tax (Tortilla Tax)
16.11.18 Archbishop John C. Wester's Post-Election Statement
16.11.15 United States Conference of Bishops Approve Canonical Step for the Sainthood Cause of Sister Blandina Segale, SC, Servant of God
16.09.29 Child Well-Being in New Mexico: Call to Action - Archbishop John C. Wester Hosts Symposium to Address Alarming Statistics
16.09.20 Governor Susana Martinez’s Placement of the Reinstatement of the Death Penalty on New Mexico’s Upcoming Special Legislative Session’s Agenda is Irresponsible
16.09.14 Archbishop John C. Wester's Symposium on Child Well-Being in New Mexico More
16.08.26 Archbishop John C. Wester on the Violent Death of Miss Victoria Martens
16.08.18 NM Bishops Renounce Governor's Call to Reinstate Death Penalty
16.08.17 Archbishop John C. Wester on Pope Francis' Appointment of Bishop Kevin Farrell to Head New Vatican Dicastery
16.08.08 Archbishop John C. Wester to Dedicate Rebuilt St. Anthony Church
10 Church Plaza, Questa NM 87556, Sunday, August 14, 2016 12:00 Noon Mass
16.06.24 NMCCB on the Supreme Court’s Decision on President Obama’s
Executive Action on Immigration
More En Español
16.06.24 Archbishop John C. Wester issued the following statement regarding the US Supreme Court's June 23, 2016 decision on President Obama’s Executive Action immigration
16.06.13 Archbishop John C. Wester Expresses Deepest Sympathy and Profound Condolences Regarding Orlando Mass Shooting
16.05.20 NEWS RELEASE May 20, 2016: Archbishop John C. Wester to Ordain Five Seminarians to the Priesthood, 10:00 A.M. Mass, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM
16.05.17 Archbishop Wester to ordain four men to transitional diaconate.
16.04.12 Press Release of Archbishop John C. Wester on the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia
16.02.22 Archbishop John C. Wester to Host "Crossing Borders: A Symposium on Immigration" Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 6pm to 8:30pm, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 1860 Griegos Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
16.02.08 Pope Francis' Trip to Mexico: An Invitation from Archbishop John C. Wester More
16.01.13 Ninth Annual Blue Mass Thursday, February 18, 2016, Noon Mass at SPX Gym.
15.10.23 Archbishop John C. Wester & Archbishop Emeritus Michael J. Sheehan
to Dedicate Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s Newest Church - Santuario de San Martin de Porres 8321 Camino San Martin SW Albuquerque, NM 87121 Friday, 6:00 PM, October 30, 2015
15.09.09 Archbishop John C. Wester’s Statement On Pope Francis’ Reform of Canonical Procedure for the Annulment of Marriage
15.Archbishop Wenski urges Congress to answer Pope Francis
15.06.30 NMCCB Statement on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP)
15.06.02 Archbishop Wester's Vespers & Installation Mass
15.05.21 Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan to ordain four men into the transitional diaconate.
15.05.21 Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan to ordain seven men into the priesthood.
15.04.27 Pope Francis Announces New Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe More
En Español
15.02.12 8th Annual Blue Mass, Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 12:00 Noon Mass
St. Pius X High School Gym, Albuquerque, NM
An all-faith community celebration…all are welcome! Over 2,200 attendees are expected.
15.01.26 National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe