The Monastery of Christ in the Desert
Monks of Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey
Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Fathers
Brothers of Christian Schools
Christian Brothers
Cistercian (Trappist)
St. Benedict's Monastery,Snowmass, Colorado
Chicago Dominican Friars
Franciscan Friars
Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Knights of the Holy Eucharist
The Society of Jesus
Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God
Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God in North America
Norbertine Community
Servants of Mary
Servants of the Paraclete
Servants of the Paraclete
Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert
Mother of Mary and Peace Monastery
Blessed Sacrament
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
Carmelite Monastery of Santa Fe
Canossian Sisters
Daughters of Charity
Sisters of Charity in Cincinati, OH
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
Divine Providence
Sisters of Divine Providence
Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena
Congregation of the Holy Cross
Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary
Sinsinawa Dominicans of the Holy Rosary
Felician Franciscan Sisters
Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Sisters of St. Francis of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes Assisi Heights
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Sisters of St. Francis of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes
Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, Province of the Sacred Heart
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, Province of St. Joseph
Immaculate Heart
Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sisters of Mercy
Sisters of Mercy
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth - Kalamazoo
Ursuline Nuns
Ursuline Nuns of the Congregation of Mount St. Joseph