We will be updating resources on this page. If you have any immediate questions or comments you would like to share with archdiocesan leadership regarding the ASF Reorganization, please contact the ASF Office of the Vicar General at 505.831.8158 or vg@archdiosf.org.
23.03.16 Archbishop John C. Wester's Open Letter to the Sexual Abuse Claimants of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe More>
A los demandantes de abuso sexual dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe En Español>
Click here for Chapter 11 Plans Documents
Bankruptcy Updates
24.09.03 NEWS RELEASE: Archdiocese of Santa Fe to Dedicate Plaque in Remembrance of Clergy Sexual Abuse Victims More> En Español>
22.12.29 STATEMENT: Most Reverend John C. Wester on the Agreement Reached in
Archdiocese of Santa Fe Chapter 11 Proceedings More>
November 29, 2018,
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
St. Paul reminds us that "We walk by faith, and not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7). Since coming to the Southwest, I have been inspired by your faith in Jesus Christ and by the heroic faith of those who came before you, a faith symbolized by our beautiful adobe missions and by the vibrant traditions of our people, the living stones of the Church we call Holy Faith. However, even though our Archdiocese of Santa Fe abides on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, it has been rocked by the terrible scourge of clergy sexual abuse and the mistakes, and in some cases, crimes of our shepherds. Now more than ever, the words of St. Paul have special meaning for us as we seek to bring healing to those who have been harmed by the evil of sexual abuse and to all those who have suffered along with them in any way.
Tragically, those who should have protected our children failed egregiously to do so. These sinful deeds have left us in anger, sorrow, and an intense sense of betrayal. It is in the suffering of the innocent and vulnerable that we painfully face the extent of this struggle to walk in the light of faith. I deeply regret this suffering, and I am committed to joining you in an unrelenting effort to heal and protect. More > En Español >
On November 29, 2018, Most Reverend John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, issued the following statement:
For the past 25 years, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe has worked diligently to promote a safe environment for children and young people. In particular, during this time we have done our best to provide support and healing for those who have been harmed by clergy sexual abuse. We realize that nothing can ever adequately compensate those who have been victims of this terrible crime. Nonetheless, we seek to do all we can by way of publicly acknowledging their pain, offering apologies and providing financial compensation. We are committed to doing all we can to assist victim survivors now, and into the future. More > En Español >